Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Sea stars.

There are many different types of sea stars with many different shapes, color and sizes. Most sea stars have five arms or multiples of stars have five or multiples of five. The arms radiate from central disc. A few species has six.
           Their backs are covered with knobby spines and their undersides with rows of tiny tube feet. Each tube foot is tipped with a small suction cup which helps them hang on tight to things and pry mussels or clams. It can stay motionless on a rock for weeks. Wow I would be tried of holding on, how about you?
           Sea stars eat by inserting their inside-out stomach into a shell and digesting their prey. When the meal is done they retract their stomach back into their bodies. A sea star eats barnacles, chitons, snails, urchins, limpets, sponges, and sea anemones. The sea star has a variety of different sizes. A sea star can get up to 3 feet in diameter and can live up to 35 years.
      Sea stars are not fish. Sea stars are often refferred to a starfish, however, the point to be noted is that  the sea star is not a fish.
          Sea stars are canivorous. They will feed on anything they can get their stomachs on! Sea stars do not use their mouths to draw food, instead they use their stomachs the cardiac stomach and the pyloric stomach, they uses both for digestion.
        The quite interesting fact about sea stars: they lack blood. These marine creatures use water from the sea pump up through their body. Water enters the water vascular system through a sieve plate called madreproite. Sea stars lack presence of the brain, instead possess a very complex nervous system. Man if I didn't have a brain or blood it would be bad! You can always find these little creatures at the beach. Have a nice day and hoped you liked my blog. =] 
                                                                                         Julia's Blog.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Fireflight - Unbreakable

Awesome song!
                                                                                               Julia's Blog.

Leafy Sea Drangon's

When mating, the Sea Dragon puts out 250 eggs onto the "brood patch" on the underside of the mails tail. After about 8 weeks, the brood hatches. In nature only about 5 percent of Sea dragons survive to maturity, which is 2 years. A fully grown Sea Dragon grows about 18 inches.

Some sources says Sea Dragon's are fought in the ocean of Southern Western Australia, South Australia, and further east along the coastline of Victoria province, Australia. Sea Dragons are protected under Australia law, and their export is strictly regulated. So if you want to buy one, and yes they do sale them they cost $15,000 dollars so make sure you got some serious money in your pocket. If you have any questions comment or mail me have a nice day and I hope you enjoyed my blog.
                                 Julia's Blog

Sunday, February 20, 2011


Jellyfish might look cool but they can really hurt you. You know Jellyfish can be 100ft long and weight up to a ton! Yep it can hurt you! Even some Jellyfish are poisonous. You do not want to be caught with a box Jellyfish those are filled with poison. A sting for one can lead to this.-------------------------------->    So it could be serious. The Box jellyfish venom can attack the heart and the nervous system. Victims are known to drown in the water when they get stung. The tentacles can get 3 meters long. Box jellyfish are carnivore's, and can live up to a year. Fact: Did you know that Sea turtles can not be affected by the sting on the Box jellyfish. I know this is kinda short but if you go into the ocean make sure you have somebody with you at all times! Watch for Jellyfish and be careful if you have any questions mail me or comment.
                                                                         Julia's Blog. 

Friday, February 18, 2011


I was wondering how I get the layout on this please answer.


If you haven't heard Haiti is going thought a very hard time. Over 100,000 people died in Haiti when the earthquake hit. It's really sad, that mean's kids, teenagers, even adults. Famous people are taking their time to help them, and you say I wish I can do something about it. You can! Go to Hope for You can donate some money to help some of the people there. Is it to much to take two dollars out of your savings  for a little girl or boy to smile again. Even a dime, they will take anything they can get. You can even go on there website and learn how you can volunteer to try to help them. They give you information about Haiti and updates. If you would like you could also contact them for any questions. You don't even have to donate money! Some of the things they have listed, bar of soap, blankets, children's medication's, wash cloth's, tooth brush's, tooth paste, and floss. Come on people we have a nice moving around tooth brush donate one tooth brush to them! A bar of soap it's the least we can do. Kids stuff needed: cloth's, shoes, tooth brush, tooth paste, pencils, paper, book bags, and school supplies. Adults: Work gloves, cloths, tooth brush, tooth paste, birthing kits, even donate a little book you don't read anymore. I'm telling you  will fill a lot better if you do this. What if you saved a child by donating one little thing. They're being born right this second what if you could be the one who gives them a chance in life. There is tons of different sites you can go to if you don't want the one I provided. Like I said there is famous people doing this and they are very very busy. Examples: Selena Gomaz, Talyor Swift, Rhinna, even Nick and Joe Jones. If I spelled their name wrong I'm sorry. It's true you can look in Seventeen mag. and see Selena Gomez helping. Please people they would be so thankful. What if it was you.
                                                                                               Julia's Blog.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentines Day!

Today is Valentine's Day!!!!!!!!Wahoo! I hope you had a good one! See yall next time on Thursday! =]

                                                                                     Julia's Blog.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


I didn't post yesterday because I got in late from a dance. Post Tuesday.

                                                                                 Julia's Blog.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


There are many kind's of horse's; around 200 kind's. Don't worry I'm not going to name them all. We are going to talk about miniature horse's though. In case some of you haven't seen one it's the last two pictures. They are know for their cute little tiny self. 
            They were fought in Europe. They get no taller the 86-97 inches. They have many color's and patterns. This kind of horse or pony is very friendly maybe because it has no choice. This kind of pony is a very good pet for young ones. They do well in pet shows, it's hard not to see how cute they're. It might sound crazy, but sometimes people let them inside. They can live up to 25 to 35 years. The smallest miniature horse was 19 inches, small! Some miniature horses guide blind people. Just looking at these adorable horse's makes me want one. Miniature horses eat just about the same thing bigger horses do, grass, crimped oat's, and even salt brick's for snack's. A miniature horse need's to go to the vet just as a dog would, every year. A miniature horse weigh's around 55 to 100 pounds. This kind of horse has a very well vision, if the horse is not blind. Miniature horse's have the same kind of teeth problem's a regular horse does. The teeth can be just fine or the opposite. Miniature horse's can have a weight problem so watch what they eat.
              If your going out to buy a miniature horse then make sure you take good care of them. The miniature horse's cost around $5,000-$10,000 dollar's so make sure you got some money in your pocket. If you got any question's mail me at, comment bellow, or contact me on Facebook. 

                                                                             Julia's Blog.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

More Degrassi pictures!

Yep it's Degrassi!

                                                                                                            Julia's Blog.


Degrassi is one of my favorite shows. It talks about real life choices and temptation. Sometimes might be hard but you can count on family, and friend's to help you through everything you go through. There are many character's in this show, but I'm not going to name everyone. There are your gay's, your bully's, and your nerds. It is just like real high school. There are so many stupid show's and Degrassi is not one of them. If you haven't seen this show it comes on Teennick you can go to their website at to look up farther information.  If you have any question's about pictures or what i wrote you can comment, contact me at, or facebook.

                                                                                                     Julia's Blog

Monday, February 7, 2011

When I will post blog's

I will post my blogs on Tes., Thru., and Sat. So I will post every other day. If there is something important then I will post sooner. Little reminders of when special thing's come up I will let you know.

                                                                                                                       Julia's Blog

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Animal information.

Turtle's are reptile's. There are many kinds out there. There is a, Snapping turtle. You can tell it's a snapping turtle if it has a hooked beak.                                                                                                                       A snapping turtle eats many things such as plant's, fish, frogs, crayfish, even sometimes baby duckling's. I know it sound's mean but the turtle only eats them if there is not anything else around.                                          Do you know how long a snapping turtle lives? It lives to 100 or over years! I know, can you imagine living that long? I cant imagine living over 80 years.                                                                                         Snapping turtle's manly live in South American but can also live in North American. They live around fresh water places.  If you got any question's about what I put on here then just comment below. Now enjoy some pictures of the Snapping turtle.

My best friend wanted me write about turtles so I did. Next time it will be about Horses. Until next time if you come up to a snapping turtle remember it has it's name for a reason.

                                              Julia's Blog.

Who likes animal's?

I love animals I will have more pictures of them the next day or before then. 

                                                                                                                                  Julia's Blog.

Valentines Day!