Thursday, February 10, 2011


There are many kind's of horse's; around 200 kind's. Don't worry I'm not going to name them all. We are going to talk about miniature horse's though. In case some of you haven't seen one it's the last two pictures. They are know for their cute little tiny self. 
            They were fought in Europe. They get no taller the 86-97 inches. They have many color's and patterns. This kind of horse or pony is very friendly maybe because it has no choice. This kind of pony is a very good pet for young ones. They do well in pet shows, it's hard not to see how cute they're. It might sound crazy, but sometimes people let them inside. They can live up to 25 to 35 years. The smallest miniature horse was 19 inches, small! Some miniature horses guide blind people. Just looking at these adorable horse's makes me want one. Miniature horses eat just about the same thing bigger horses do, grass, crimped oat's, and even salt brick's for snack's. A miniature horse need's to go to the vet just as a dog would, every year. A miniature horse weigh's around 55 to 100 pounds. This kind of horse has a very well vision, if the horse is not blind. Miniature horse's have the same kind of teeth problem's a regular horse does. The teeth can be just fine or the opposite. Miniature horse's can have a weight problem so watch what they eat.
              If your going out to buy a miniature horse then make sure you take good care of them. The miniature horse's cost around $5,000-$10,000 dollar's so make sure you got some money in your pocket. If you got any question's mail me at, comment bellow, or contact me on Facebook. 

                                                                             Julia's Blog.