Sunday, February 20, 2011


Jellyfish might look cool but they can really hurt you. You know Jellyfish can be 100ft long and weight up to a ton! Yep it can hurt you! Even some Jellyfish are poisonous. You do not want to be caught with a box Jellyfish those are filled with poison. A sting for one can lead to this.-------------------------------->    So it could be serious. The Box jellyfish venom can attack the heart and the nervous system. Victims are known to drown in the water when they get stung. The tentacles can get 3 meters long. Box jellyfish are carnivore's, and can live up to a year. Fact: Did you know that Sea turtles can not be affected by the sting on the Box jellyfish. I know this is kinda short but if you go into the ocean make sure you have somebody with you at all times! Watch for Jellyfish and be careful if you have any questions mail me or comment.
                                                                         Julia's Blog. 

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