Turtle's are reptile's. There are many kinds out there. There is a, Snapping turtle. You can tell it's a snapping turtle if it has a hooked beak. A snapping turtle eats many things such as plant's, fish, frogs, crayfish, even sometimes baby duckling's. I know it sound's mean but the turtle only eats them if there is not anything else around. Do you know how long a snapping turtle lives? It lives to 100 or over years! I know, can you imagine living that long? I cant imagine living over 80 years. Snapping turtle's manly live in South American but can also live in North American. They live around fresh water places. If you got any question's about what I put on here then just comment below. Now enjoy some pictures of the Snapping turtle.

My best friend wanted me write about turtles so I did. Next time it will be about Horses. Until next time if you come up to a snapping turtle remember it has it's name for a reason.
Julia's Blog.
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