Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Some some things thought about.

Okay I just got back from Florida yesterday, I had fun even though I was sick. One of my cousins was complaining about everything, not one or two things I mean everything. My grandmother paid for the camp we where staying at and it had a Beach on it which I know was not a "beach beach" but she started to complain about it in front of my grandmother which  don't think she should have done because it might have hurt her fillings. You need to think about everything you say before you say it so you want hurt no ones fillings. 
     Then she had started to complain about my music I listened to. You need to be thankful you even have music to listen to. She thought everything was stupid and complained about everything. You know why complain? Why play the blame game? If you both don't get into trouble then it was for nothing. You need to have fun in your life not just sit there and do nothing. If I didn't have any fun in my life I don't think it would be worth living. I would hate to live my life doing nothing but staring at a wall. Don't complain don't whine don't cry its going to be alright. Live while you can because who knows you can be in a wheel chair or something even worst before you know it. 

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Just stupid crap.

Today is a lazy day for sure. It makes me want to listen to the song. All I'm basically doing is writing this, on Facebook, and listen to music. Miley Cyrus song "Who owns my Heart" You know its pretty silly that some people cussed other people out on Facebook because she got another tattoo. Look people its her life if she wants 20 tattoos then fine her choose. People have to realize that you can not run other peoples life. I want a tattoo and yes, I'm 13 I live with my parents and what they say goes, but when I move out the house its MY life. If Miley wants to write about dancing on the floor with some guy then whatever. I really don't care what Miley does. I think it was good she stopped doing "Hannah Montona" because it was stupid in my thoughts. She got parents, and you are not them. I hope everyone who reads this realize this. When I move out I'm getting a few tattoos and if you got something to say about it keep it to yourself. I'm going to live my life because I only have one. Miley only has one, you only have one. I want to live. Not saying doing drugs is living. Like live as in jump a hill on a 4wheelar, or something more crazy. I have done the 4wheelar thing it was pretty fun.:) Why would you just want to sit there and say something is fun when its not. I think some rules are stupid like at Delta Prep (a after school program) you have to stay in one place (a "fun" class example art) and that's it until you go to class for your homework. The principle person pretty much knows I don't stay in one place and my group I'm with. I go where I want. If I want to go to art for 5 mins. then I'm going to do that. I do that because sometimes I get so sick of where I'm at I don't want to stay there all year. Sometimes its the people in there too. Like outside is one of the "fun classes" when its so hot outside I want to go inside somewhere. Other days I want to go outside. In winter I don't want to stay outside when its bellow 0 degrees and some days I do. I hate the outside teacher because if a kid gets hurt he lets the other kids to take care of them and sometimes he just tells them to go to the office. This one girl who fell off a slide, and broke her ankle and he got some 5 year olds to carry her to the office. I understand if a kid is being wimpy, but the girl ankle looked like a car ran over it going 60 miles per hour, yea I think he needs to be fired. There was this little boy that had to be in 2nd grade he got hit on his arm and he busted out in tears. Of course I took care of it because I knew the teacher wouldn't do nothing so I told him you are not hurt to cut it. He still was still crying so I offered him a dollar he cut the crying right then. I made the other kid say sorry. I just think the "teacher" needs to be a teacher. All I'm getting to is don't try and run other peoples life they have parents or gardians and you are not them.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Don't know.

Hey I don't know what to write about and I don't have many followers. Can you please comment bellow and give me some ideas, and if you would tell your friends about my blog. :)

                     Julia's Blog

Friday, May 20, 2011

Tron *The movie*

I liked the movie Tron, it was clean and kids can watch it. I don't think tech. could get that advanced but if it did it would be scary. Just imagine a motorcycle in a little tube, it would be awesome but so crazy at the same time. It was a pretty good movie. I loved all the colors in it lol. Pretty cool in my opinion if you have watch it post a comment and tell me what you think about it.

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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Your own skin.

You don't have to be gorgeous to be noticed. It is how you are. If you put yourself out there and show people what you can do and how great of person you are they would like you for you. Some people can be so mean well get use to it they are going to be mean and nothing can be done unless you teach them a lesson. If you put your personality out there you will have a friend for life.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Just imagine.

Well life has been good here loving it. I wake up every morning and watch some t.v. and then go to school. Can you imagine when you where born, just automatically knowing everything there is to know about life. That includes how to wash dishes, clean cloths, school stuff, just everything. Then you would not need to go to school. It would be a very very awesome thing, but everything has consequences. Like if everyone knew everything there is to know there would be no use in talking. Here would be one conversation, "Hey Bob do you know what a barometer is?" "Yes I do everyone knows what that is."  And so on. If everyone knew everything you probably would stay in the house, even not use a cell phone, computer, t.v., even a oven, because you would know how to cook lets say pizza without an oven. Every single thing has a chain reaction. There are people out there with a memory that could blow your mind, but can't add simple equations. I know scientist how conquer this I mean they are cloning people, even animals. What can scientist not do anymore? I think they can do anything, any time, anywhere. It's kinda scary.

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