Okay I just got back from Florida yesterday, I had fun even though I was sick. One of my cousins was complaining about everything, not one or two things I mean everything. My grandmother paid for the camp we where staying at and it had a Beach on it which I know was not a "beach beach" but she started to complain about it in front of my grandmother which don't think she should have done because it might have hurt her fillings. You need to think about everything you say before you say it so you want hurt no ones fillings.
Then she had started to complain about my music I listened to. You need to be thankful you even have music to listen to. She thought everything was stupid and complained about everything. You know why complain? Why play the blame game? If you both don't get into trouble then it was for nothing. You need to have fun in your life not just sit there and do nothing. If I didn't have any fun in my life I don't think it would be worth living. I would hate to live my life doing nothing but staring at a wall. Don't complain don't whine don't cry its going to be alright. Live while you can because who knows you can be in a wheel chair or something even worst before you know it.
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